Carbide Burr for Industry
Carbide Rotary Burrs (especially tungsten carbide rotary burrs) are used for cutting, shaping, grinding and for the removal of sharp edges, burrs and excess material (deburring).
Carbide burrs are widely used for metalwork, tool making, engineering, model engineering, wood carving, jewellery making, welding, chamferring, casting, deburring, grinding, cylinder head porting and sculpting. And are used in the aerospace, automotive, dental, metal sculpting, and metal smith industries to name but a few.
Devi conoscere la durezza del materiale su cui lavorerai.
Questo ti aiuterà nella scelta degli utensili da taglio più appropriati. Per i materiali più duri, è necessaria una fresa con una durezza HRC maggiore.
Frese in carburo di tungsteno
Le frese in carburo di tungsteno sono una grande invenzione, tagliano in maniera impressionante.
Questo è il principale vantaggio, penetrano nel materiale con un’incredibile facilità.
I vantaggi sono evidenti, la velocità di taglio e la durata sono molto più elevate, risparmiando tempo e denaro.
Materiali su cui è possibile utilizzare frese in carburo di tungsteno
Non c’è quasi alcun limite ai materiali su cui è possibile utilizzare la fresa in carburo di tungsteno. Possono essere materiali che vanno da acciaio, alluminio, ghisa e persino metalli.
Tutti i tipi di legno poiché le frese in carburo di tungsteno si adatteranno al taglio e alla modellatura di plastica, acrilici e fibra di vetro.
Metalli teneri come argento, oro e platino non sono esentati in quanto le frese in carburo gli daranno una forma adatta senza crepe o bordi tagliati.
Sono ideali per
Fibra di vetro, Ottone, Cooper e Bronzo, Legno, Nichel, Ceramica, Cobalto, Oro, platino e argento
Zinco, Ghisa, Titanio, Alluminio
Acciaio inossidabile, acciaio e acciaio al carbonio
Plastica rinforzata con fibra di carbonio (CRP), plastica, rinforzata con fibra di vetro.
Tungsten Carbide Rotary Burr with Ti Coated – Manufacturer
Tooth Type Choice:
The high-performance tungsten carbide rotary burrs provide maximum cutting edge stability with a simultaneous high tenacity of the cutting edge.
SAIMENG Tungsten Carbide Burr are ideal for shaping, smoothing and material removal.
The tungsten ones are used on hardened steel, stainless steel, cast iron, nonferrous metals, fired ceramics, plastic, hard wood, especially on hard materials whose hardness can be above HRC70.
To de-bur, break edges, trim, pro-cess welding seams, surface processing.
The product has long time operation life and its application range is widely, you can use different shape product according to your application.
Use higher speeds for hard woods, slower speeds for metals and very slow speeds for plastics ( to avoid melting at the point of contact).
The tungsten carbide burrs are mainly driven by hand electric tools or pneumatic tools (also can be used on machine tool).
The rotary speed is 8,000-30,000rpm
Aluminum cut burrs
Aluminum cut burrs are for use on nonferrous and nonmetallic materials.
It is designed for rapid stock removal with minimum chip loading.
Chip Breaker cut burrs
Chip Breaker cut burrs will reduce sliver size and improve operator control at a slightly reduced surface finish.
Coarse Cut burrs
Coarse Cut burrs are recommended for use on soft material such as copper, brass, aluminum, plastics, and rubber, where chip loading is a problem.
Diamond Cut burrs
Diamond Cut burrs are very effective on heat treated and tough alloy steels.
They produce very small chips and good operator control.
Surface finish and tool life is reduced.
Double Cut
Double Cut: Chip size is reduced and tool speed can be slower than normal speeds.
Allows for rapid stock removal and better operator control.
Standard Cut
Standard Cut: A general purpose tool designed for cast iron, copper, brass and other ferrous materials.
It will give good material removal and good work piece finishes.